Beard & Mustache
Want to keep that mustache and beard looking good without breaking the bank?
We don’t need no stickin’ beard comb!
Toothbrush Beard Comb
Instead of buying some fancy beard or mustache comb, use a toothbrush!
Of course we’re talking about a NEW toothbrush…
One day when opening a new toothbrush, I had an epiphany: Hey, that looks like it would work great on my unruly mustache! So I tried it and…well, it did work great. Not only on my mustache, but also on my goatee. It’s thick, firm bristles shaped up my facial hair in no time, and it cost pennies.
Don’t just take our word for it…next time you open up a new toothbrush, give your mustache or beard some love…
Got A Great Hack?
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